Friday, April 29, 2011

La Vie En Rose

I have come to really love Chloe, the brand. Ever since I bought their signature perfume almost a year ago I've obsessed over their muted colors and simple models (usually blonde, usually with straight or wispy hair), so as an ode to my love of all things Chloe I decided to do a post of my favorite of their advertisements. Viva La Chloe!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Smells Like Teen Spirit

As a die-hard Nirvana fan and lover of all things grunge, I had to post about the grunge revival that I see on blogs, on the streets and in the magazines. Ripped jeans, tights- ripped anything basically, along with oversized plaid and denim button-downs and doc martens are keys to the grunge look. Vogue may have said the grunge look was the worst of the 90's, but I beg to differ.

Any Colour You Like

A Tumblr love and fashion trend is colored hair. I don't mean blonde, brown, red and black- I mean colored. Pastel highlights and dipped ends have become popular and I love it. Here are some of my favorite shots of pretty hair and their stylish owners.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Come She Will

So its the end of April and today my friend showed me a blog that does monthly playlists of songs she's been listening to and loving that month, so I decided to be unoriginal and copy her. I constantly post my current favorite songs on Tumblr, but I love the idea of clumping that month's music into one playlist. So here it is- The Riot Rhythm's first monthly playlist.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Gap Band

One of the things I'm really loving right now are gap teeth. I know, I know, its a little weird and its not necessarily a trend, but I still think its really cool. The obvious contenders for greatest gap teeth are Georgia May Jagger and Lara Stone, but Anna Paquin and Lindsey Wixson are right up there with them, along with the original gapped model Lauren Hutton. Though I am more than content with my teeth (the product of three years of braces) I adore and admire the girls who say no to orthodontics and wear their natural teeth proudly. Some people think it isn't cute at all, some people are willing to go to great lengths to get it, and others, like me, just love how it looks.

Nine Types Of Light

Just recently the bassist for TV On The Radio died of lung cancer and since I am a huge fan of the band and haven't done an album review in a while, I thought I'd talk about their latest album, Nine Types Of Light. This album has kept a lot of the TV On The Radio sound, which hasn't changed too much from the insanity that was Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes. Of course there's been a lot of hype about the album due to the high critical acclaim that Dear Science gained, but TV on the Radio does not disappoint. A lot of Nine Types Of Light reminds me of the slower songs on Dear Science (Family Tree, anyone?) but all in all this is a quality album that I would suggest to anyone.

Key tracks: Will Do, Second Song, You


So in honor of my 30th post I've decided to talk about an amazing artist whose paintings I adore named Theo Altenberg. I've reblogged him a million times on Tumblr, and you may have too. His distinctive blends of colored paint and his use of unique materials (cardboard as a canvas) puts his work in my top ten favorite contemporary artists. Even if tons of abstract color isn't your thing, you're bound to appreciate Theo Altenberg anyway.

Sun Of A Gun

I'm in the market for new sunglasses (seeing that I lost my Wayfarers and have no others) so I've really been looking for some cute, quirky shades that will protect my eyes and look sweet at the same time. Here are some inspirations; some I love, some I like, but all are fabulous.